What a Crazy Summer

Hello-New-CityI wanted to do a little summary of my life for the last couple months. Maybe you are new around here (Welcome to Live Colorful!!) or maybe you know me a bit, but if you didn't know the past two months have been a bit wild. I have been so busy it’s been hard to find time for the blog, I sorry about that. Next month will be better! I've already organized a bunch of awesome new projects for a new category, “Your Questions”,  that is gonna be all about answering questions I have received over the last couple weeks. I have gotten so many questions the last few weeks that I just thought, why not make a category for all my readers. Is there anything you’d like to ask? send me your questions to elba@livecolorful.com I will try and select one question per week and post the my answer every Monday. Stay tuned!

I have to thank you all those that have been sending emails and empowering tips about my moving adventure and starting a new life in a new town, when I have received an email from you guys in the middle of a hike with my family or while I was waiting for the boxes we shipped from Asheville to get here, instantly brought a smile to my face. Thanks again!

So here is a bit about what has happened over the last two months.First, my husband was recruited by a tech company in Silicon Valley, California. We jump up and down, we were so excited. So we had to make a bunch of changes and plan a million things in about a month. It was a crazy month, the time flew by.

Then we emptied our old apartment and had a yard sale that was totally a success. We actually sold everything we owned and just packed a couple of boxes with kitchen appliances, clothes and some other special knick knacks. The idea of selling everything was really hard at first, but then it made us feel so free. Starting from zero was a refreshing feeling.

Yard SaleOur-life-in-boxes

After we sold everything and we ended up sleeping on the couch and eating cold sandwiches for a few days before we were ready to leave. We spent our last week saying goodbye to friends and family, that was the hardest part.

Then one morning we packed the car and left Asheville, NC. We filled the back seats with some boxes and important stuff. Jordan, kyra, me and mushu were sitting in the front seats ready for adventure and we started driving across the country.




Our first day we stopped in Little Rock Arkansas, the second day in Amarillo, Texas, third day in Albuquerque, New Mexico, fourth day in Holbrook, Arizona, fifth day in Flagstaff, Arizona, the sixth day we visited the Grand Canyon, and on the seventh day we were finally in California!! More pictures here and here.

Road-Trip-1 Road-Trip-2 Road-Trip3 Road-Trip-4

We spent our seventh night in a hotel in Sunnyvale and the next morning we went hunting for apartments and found one the same day, we were lucky.


And to add a bit more to the craziness, my family came to visit. I feel so blessed for being able to have them visit my new place. It was one of the happiest weeks of my life.


My in laws came to town the next week. We had the best meals together and an amazing wine tasting day in Sonoma, California. We found so many great things around our new city, it was overwhelming, in a good way.


So here I am, this Saturday is my first truly calm day after two months of non stop activities. I am finally sitting on my balance ball chair thinking how fast the time flew by, in my mind that afternoon when we got the news of Jordan’s new job feels like it was yesterday.  It has been crazy but it also has been one of the best months of my life. - Much love, Elba.

Lali Valverde

Lali Valverde is a fashion designer who loves to share her creative adventures. She also enjoys upcycling, sewing Halloween costumes for her dogs, embroidery and illustrating quirky quotes for her Instagram. She lives in Mexico with her husband, three adorable dogs and two awesome cats.


Que Verano Tan Loco


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