Blog Party at Polyvore Wrap Up
It was great being able to attend my first Blog Party last Thursday. Besides meeting new local bloggers and exchanging tips and business cards, we ate delicious snacks and took a tour at the Polyvore offices in Mountain View, California.
*Image credit: The Blog Party
If you have never heard about it, the Blog Party is basically like it sounds, a meetup or party for bloggers that takes place in different creative and interesting spaces like the Polyvore offices, which by the way I was very excited to visit.
*With Virgine at Joli Bonheur *With Jamie at J for Jamie | Blog Party Founder
And if the fun time wasn’t enough, at the end of the night as part of the Blog Party, you take home a special box full of goodies from local designers and other companies. I am so excited to start using all these things and so happy to have met new blogger friends.