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Welcome Little Jax

Welcome little Jax

We're excited to share the arrival of our little Jax, born February 09th 03:53 am at 7lbs, 6oz. He is a cutie.

Jax surprised us the day my parents arrived to California. It was almost like he was just waiting for them. That same morning I started to feel a bit different but didn't realize I was in labor until 6pm

 when the pain started to get stronger and longer. We even went to lunch and grabbed a coffee, decaf of course, without expecting that the next morning we were going to wake up in the hospital with our little guy.

We were back home a couple of days after, but had to go back to the hospital every morning for the rest of the week for some lab tests for Jax. Seeing how they poked his foot to take blood from my little baby was so painful, poor thing. Luckily, the scary part is behind us, tests are over and we had a tiring/stressful/beautiful week at home with him. He is a healthy and strong guy and he is growing so fast that I don't want to stop looking at him even for a moment, I'm scared he is going to be walking before I know it.

Welcome little Jax

Welcome little Jax

Welcome little Jax

I will be sharing more baby photos over on 


 while I'm taking some cuddly baby time at home. He is the cutest thing ever, I can't get tired of kissing those little feet.

P.S. Thanks so much for all your messages and congratulations on


and on my

last post

about my pregnancy adventure. Happy week!