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Crafting with Blogger Friends is Fun!

Coloring books, fabric scraps and other fun stuff to craft with! | A few days ago I joined a Creatives Box Swap (#CreativeBoxSwap) that my friend Dean from Mrs.AOKaworkinprogress hosted on her blog. As soon as I saw the invitation I got excited because well, snail mail is awesome and getting to connect with other creatives from the country sounded amazing and fun.I was paired with Colleen from Colleen is creative. I loved her digital scrapbooking pages with her family. It inspired me to make something similar with my baby's pictures.I sent her an embroidery pendant kit, stencils, washi tape and pink paper goodies! since pink is her favorite color.  I told her that I really want to sew more, so she sent me some adorable and colorful fabric squares and scraps, and a pocket coloring book that is so perfect to take with me everywhere I go.This box swap was not only a great opportunity to make new friends, but also to push ourselves to get creative! and have fun crafting with new material!I can't wait to show you what I make with all this fabric, the first thing that came to my mind is to create a mini quilt, but I think I want to try something different, I just don't know what to make. I found this project that I think it's kind of cool, any ideas?Coloring books, fabric scraps and other fun stuff to craft with! |