Gift Magazine, March 2014

I was eating a strawberry, one of those gigantic strawberries that I bought at the local market supposedly "organic", when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, there stood the mail man and he said hello and gave me a super colorful and cheerful floral printed package, and I thought, ’Finally, my "Gift" magazine is home!’Gift Magazine, Elba Valverde

Gift is an international magazine created for alpha females who are into inspiration, happiness and creativity. I got really excited when I saw this project printed! It was great collaborating with them as part of Gift Gals expert team, a group of 10 creative minds, bloggers and thinkers we consider to be specialists in the fields of fabulousness, inspiration and creativity.

Honestly, and not just because I'm in the magazine, but flipping through the magazine is like opening a gift. There is confetti, hearts, garlands and all sorts of curious surprises. Not only pictures, literally! All those little paper goodies are inside the pages, and you can play with them! If that’s not enough, the graphics and illustrations are super fun, colorful and the menu is amazing, it’s so me!

Gift Magazine Live Colorful

I give it an extra point because they highlighted Mexico in the Gift’s insiders guide, “The world is a better place for having Mexico in it.. and the piñatas, papel picado, Frida Kahlo...” I totally agree!!!

I heart this picture so much, Teresa Missoni with her copy of the Gift magazine.

Lali Valverde

Lali Valverde is a fashion designer who loves to share her creative adventures. She also enjoys upcycling, sewing Halloween costumes for her dogs, embroidery and illustrating quirky quotes for her Instagram. She lives in Mexico with her husband, three adorable dogs and two awesome cats.


Revista Gift, Marzo 2014


Tendencias, Color e Interiores Impresionantes