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Elba’s Craft Room Tour

Turning a walk in closet into a special workspace or craft room.

A craft room tour. How to turn a closet into an workspace or office | LiveColorful.comWhen we moved to this new home I was a bit sad because it had just two bedrooms. I didn’t want to share my baby’s nursery with my office anymore, and I didn’t want to have my craft material everywhere around the house. After I finished unpacking the boxes for the bedrooms and living room I discovered that the entrance walk-in closet was still empty. I got excited because I knew I could use that space just for my craft material.A craft room tour. How to turn a closet into an workspace or office | LiveColorful.comMy craft room / walk-in closet turned out to work surprisingly well. All my material is organized inside, and I even have space for a tiny work area. I added a chair and I’m able to doodle, color and sew in there. I painted it recently because the walls were a little dirty and they looked boring. I added some horizontal lavender stripes. It looks cleaner, and even bigger thanks to the stripe effect. You can check out how I transformed the walls in this post: How to bring your boring closet to life.A craft room tour. How to turn a closet into an workspace or office | LiveColorful.comWhat I enjoy most about my space is being able to display some of the most special things aside the craft material that I use for my posts and YouTube videos. I have my favorite coloring books, personal doodles, illustrations, fabric samples and handmade items that remind me of Mexico and my family.Since the video is just in Spanish, I didn’t want you to miss a sneak peek of my craft room so I took some pictures of my tiny but special space and some of the things I cherish most, especially the first stamp I created with Live Colorful’s logo back in North Carolina when I was selling handmade earrings. So many noteworthy things!A craft room tour. How to turn a closet into an workspace or office | What’s your special space at home? Do you pin craft room inspiration too? Share your boards!A craft room tour. How to turn a closet into an workspace or office |