Is it Possible to Rediscover Yourself during Motherhood?

This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Munchkin and Latina Bloggers Connect. All pictures and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the sponsors that allow me to create new and special content like this for Live Colorful.Is it Possible to Rediscover Yourself during Motherhood? | Live ColorfulI never thought motherhood was going to be that hard, I’ll admit it. It’s something I used to hear, but didn’t want to believe. I also heard that it was going to be beautiful and rewarding. I did want to believe that part, and again, they were so right.But although becoming a mom was an empowering experience, there was a part of me that made me feel confused, stressed and a bit lost. I put too much pressure on the idea of being there with my baby every second of my day. I didn’t want to miss anything. I wanted to experience it all, but I was exhausted and frustrated. As soon as I took the time to rest, recharge and spend a few minutes doing something that I love, I felt like myself again. It was an instant sensation of realization and balance. I could see life, adventures and my own being before motherhood and having family again. I have to thanks Munchkin LATCH™ bottles for my first “me time” after giving birth. Breastfeeding was extremely challenging for me, (you can read my story here) and after I made it work, I was terrified of ruining it by giving my baby a bottle. Munchkin created these amazing bottles that helped my baby transition from breast to bottle and back again. That enabled my husband to feed Jax so I could sleep, doodle, read or cook. I felt so calm and in control.Is it Possible to Rediscover Yourself during Motherhood? | Live ColorfulRediscovering myself after becoming a mom hasn’t been easy. It has taken me more than a year to accept that things are never going to be the same. Somedays I still struggle trying to answer who I am as a women, and thinking about the things I miss from before I became a mother. Some things I used to love, are not important for me anymore. It’s strange, but also a new exciting experience that has been easier thanks to friends, family and amazing products.

Check out some tips about how to start rediscovering yourself in motherhood:

I tried them all, and I have to say that they have helped me understand so many things about me as a mom, wife and woman. They are worth a try!

  • Start a new adventure.

I’m a creative soul and I love to make things. I was feeling drained for not being able to explore new projects after becoming a mom, so one day I decided to stop feeling that way and start a new hobby. So I bought some books about sewing and cooking and found happiness in these new things that made me feel excited.

  • Keep a journal.

There is something special about writing down the good things from your day. It’s a reaffirmation that you are doing everything right! and also a great way to discover more about you and the things that make you feel happy.

  • Accept that things will never be the same.

This was especially hard for me, but I’m so glad I accepted it, because after that I felt so light and assertive. The reality is that things will never be the same, and that’s ok, that means that they could be better! By letting it go you will open the door to a new perspective on life and will start looking for happiness in the simple things in life.

  • Make time for the things that make you happy.

Even if you are exhausted, try to make space in your busy routine to do something that makes you happy. It could be exercising, watching your favorite TV series, or reading.  For me, it was doodling. Letting myself grab a notebook, markers and doodle for a few minutes made me forget the stressful parts of motherhood and enjoy it much more. I felt refreshed and recharged and I was happy to know that my husband and baby had some special bonding time.Is it Possible to Rediscover Yourself during Motherhood? | Live ColorfulOn this journey of rediscovering yourself it’s important to let others help you. Use products like the Munchkin breastfeeding line that includes the amazing LATCH bottles, super absorbent and thin nursing pads, LATCH bottle brushes, sterilizer bags and pump brushes. Everything that gives you that extra time to enjoy and love yourself, and that make you feel special and pampered. You can get the Munchkin LATCH™ breastfeeding line online and in a Target store.This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Munchkin and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, all opinions and text are all mine.